Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Fox News Reports on New Solar Shingles


It seems that solar is in the air, and everybody is paying attention. This article on Fox news popped up the other day and features commentary from the National Institute of Standards and Technology and their evaluation of new photovoltaic technology.

The article covers some of the basics on PV technology and is furthering the visibility of Solar as a great source of alternative energy. Personally, I can't wait until they commercialize thin film to the point that I can use it economically to paint my house.

TAGS: solar, photovoltaic, fox news, PV technology, NIST, testing solar, thin film solar

Friday, June 1, 2007

Really Big Solar

Thanks to the Floating Ark blog this afternoon; which is authored by Japhet Els, and his pointing me to an article about the largest PV solar installation in the world. Here are the record holders

Solar Pope?

Looks like God may be on the side of PV technology. The Vatican has decided to make a large photovoltaic installation to lighten their carbon footprint. Here is the article in the Catholic News. Kudos to the pope.

“The Vatican's Paul VI Centre is to get a green makeover with the installation of a giant rooftop garden of solar panels that will power all of the building's heating, cooling and lighting needs year-round.

Even though Vatican City State is not a signatory of the Kyoto Protocol, a binding international environmental pact to cut greenhouse gases, its inaugural solar project marks a major move in trying to reduce its own so-called carbon footprint, that is, the amount of carbon dioxide released through burning fossil fuels.The carbon dioxide-slashing solar panels will be installed sometime in 2008 after prototypes, environmental impact reports and other studies have been completed, Cuscianna said.”